Yoga Flow in de Dome

BlueCity and YG Studios

Bar Stroom/ De Dome

Date and time
Sun 21.04.202410:00 - 11:15

€15 - €27,50

During the opening weekend of Bar Stroom, YG Studios and BlueCity are teaming up to offer you the ultimate Sunday morning experience.

Escape the daily hustle and bustle and immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere of the Dome, the old swimming pool of Tropicana, for a nice yoga flow class.

Yoga Flow

YG Studios provides a dynamic yoga class, that will show all the different sides of yoga! Build strength, flexibility, and mental focus with a challenging yet mindful sequence of energizing poses, followed by deep relaxation. 

Lunch at Bar Stroom

In addition to yoga, BlueCity offers other sports activities on Sunday morning, such as running and cycling. After all the sport activities, we gather for a communal and healthy lunch in Bar Stroom. Buy a combo ticket and join this delicious lunch at a discount!




Doors open Bar Stroom (gather point)

10:00 - 11:15

10:00 - 11:15

Yoga Flow session



Lunch + shake at Bar Stroom

Opening weekend Bar Stroom

This program is part of the opening weekend (April 19, 20 and 21) of Bar Stroom, BlueCity's new bar. In the old 'wildwaterbaan' (wild water rapid) of Tropicana we serve drinks and food in BlueCity style. That means: working with local farmers, circular entrepreneurs and (of course) the BlueCity FoodHub. Come and discover your ultimate spring and summer spot!

Watch the full weekend program here!

Fotografie: Jacqueline Fuijkschot
Fotografie: Jacqueline Fuijkschot